"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went" - Will Rogers

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Saturday morning:

Kristen & I ventured down to the lakefront where we starting running together at 7am as it was 5 degrees with a very brisk wind out of the NW making temps coller than 10 below zero...brrrrrrrr! I ran the opening 7 miles with K and we met up with 2 diehard friends which started at 8am as they ran 10 with Kristen - she ran 17 miles for the day!!!

I ran 5 additional miles solo at a pick-up pacing to run 12 miles for the day in 1:51:35 with an average HR of 128bpm & max push during the last half mile at 153bpm.

First 7 miles: 1:09:44 - AHR 121bpm
Last 5 miles: 41:47 - AHR 139bpm

...the base training continues :-)



Sonia said...

Great run!

Trishie said...

what sonia said + especially in the cold !!