"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went" - Will Rogers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

updating slowly...

Wednesday evening 04.15.09:

Attempted to run a 4 mile recovery run in our neighborhood region but was forced to head home at 2.4 miles as I’m still suffering from some sort of sour stomach & GI distress issues yet again (TMI). I have been studying what foods & liquids I have been consuming plus switching things up to see if that helps but so far no good…hummm.

Anyways the 2.4 mile run took me 21:06 with an average HR 113bpm which is super-low for me…

Also I took the next day off from exercising to give my body a break so I didn’t run my 6 by mile repeats for the week…oh well :-)


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