Monday evening:
Class number 5 of the 2nd six week Computrainer 90 minute class winter session was this evening at the LBS (local bike shop). I was pretty tired at work yesterday but once I got to the shop, hooked up the old Cannondale to the trainer it was like I had a big boost of energy hit my body & mind so I used my tested 263 training watts for the whole class duration and was able to train at properly for the 90 minute duration which worked out fine last night…big boost!
My max wattage for a standing stomp came in at 744 watts…which is an awesome number from me tonight as I was feeling powerful especially during those standing stomps. My average HR for the 90 minute class came in at 125bpm and with a max of 154bpm for the third week in a row…Mr. Consistency! My average cadence was at 84rpm (once again) and a max cadence during the last spin-up drill of 122rpm as my average pace for the ride was at 17.3mph and max of 37.4mph during some point of the workout. My average watts burn for the 90 minute session was at 190...
I felt absolutely great especially after the 3 days of strong workouts…things are turning around :-)
Below is my techy Polar chart which shows the workout numbers: