"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went" - Will Rogers

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Tuesday morning:

Woke-up early this morning to perfect running temps at 56 degrees with low humidity as I went out for a shorter recovery run. Since I plan on attending the track workout group tomorrow night (pending weather) that made for an easy run day for me today. I ran in the neighborhood around where we live for a 4.2 mile at a pace that felt comfortable to me. The run lasted for 36:03 which is a mile pace of 8:35 with an average HR of 118bpm and a max HR of 126bpm. My legs felt pretty fresh as the last day I ran was on Saturday of the past weekend so I guess all the swimming & biking is helping the running legs recover quickly.

Tonight I have an appointment with my sports chiropractor which I’m looking forward too…honestly :-)


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