Thursday morning:
I woke-up super early this morning to run in our neighborhood region since we has a massive rainstorm that rolled thru our region last night when I was planning on running so it was delayed slightly which my body appreciated. Since I have not run since the Indy Mini half last Saturday and only tri-biked in the house Tuesday evening I believe its good I’m giving my body a little extra time to recover and heal itself also. But on the flip side of that I have my favorite Duathlon race in Galena, IL on Saturday May 17th 2008 so I’m feeling guilty for the lack of training. So hopefully my base running/biking condition from the winter/spring will carry me thru this event respectfully plus I have two more chiropractor MATS sessions before the race.
So this morning bright and early I ran a 400 and 800 meter repeat workout with a 2 minute recovery walk/jog in between each that I put together for myself. Below is the order of repeats, distance of repeats, average & max HR of each repeat:
400 meter – 1:36 – AHR 142bpm – MHR 150bpm
400 meter – 1:36 – AHR 138bpm – MHR 149bpm
400 meter – 1:36 – AHR 139bpm – MHR 150bpm
400 meter – 1:36 – AHR 141bpm – MHR 151bpm
800 meter – 3:22 – AHR 147bpm – MHR 154bpm
800 meter – 3:24 – AHR 146bpm – MHR 153bpm
800 meter – 3:26 – AHR 147bpm – MHR 153bpm
800 meter – 3:25 – AHR 146bpm – MHR 155bpm
I couldn’t have been anymore consistent time wise on the 400 meter repeats but I dropped that consistency in my 800 meter repeats even though the 800’s felt better to me overall. My pacing is more in a cruise repeat zone for me but that’s because my stride/leg turnover is suffering right now plus I didn’t want to over-cook myself this morning and risk further injury setbacks. I ran a total of 7.5 miles with a 2.1 mile warm-up and a 1.2 mile cool-down.
All in all I was very pleased with my run this morning 100%
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
Brian-How long have you been running?
Clearly, you've been doing this for sometime because you have a great handle of HR zones and pacing.
Tea - Kristen trained me back into running in the summer of 2004 for the Chicago marathon that October...I didn't start riding my tri-bike again winter trianing late to 2005/2006.
I have always had a good "perceived effort level" felling for where I'm at training and racing wise in any disipline...Nicole L called me the living "metronome" ;-)
Thanks for the great note!
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